Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak WCBS is more in need of O Negative blood and B Positive blood.

Michelle Vermeulen Promotions, PR and Planning Manager is from Western Cape Blood Service and she spoke about that people should be more open to donating blood, and she thanks people that does donate blood regularly.

She also stated that if you are very healthy, that you should please come and donate, because they desperately need people to come out and donate blood. They are sort of O Negative blood and B Positive blood.
Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak she says people should still come out because you cannot get the virus through blood donation, so its 100% safe. She mentions that if you not feeling well or any signs of symptoms, that you should not donate.

She stated that the requirements to become a donor is that you need to be older than 16 years of age and younger than 75 years old, need to weigh 50kgs and more and need to be healthy on the day of

Her final words were stating that she urges people to come out and donate blood, to make sure they have adequate blood supply. Your one donation can save lives of 12 peoples.

“We’re appealing to the community at large to continue being as remarkable as ever, by donating blood. It is at times like these where we can show true Ubuntu, be heroes in our own stories and save lives. It only takes 20- 30 minutes of your time; to create a lifetime of memories for the recipients.”

You can contact them on 021-507-6300 or you can visit their website at www.wcbs.org.za
                                                        By: Clayton Daniels


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