"SAIMR was probably spreading AIDS in Southern Africa"

Today we aired a movie summary feature. It is about the documentary Cold Case Hammerskjold, that tells a very troubling part of South Africas past of white supremacy and black suppression. Was the South African Institue for Maritime Research spreading AIDS in black communities to install white majority in the continent? Did they, together with a Belgian-British mining company, kill UN Secretary-General Dag Hammerskjold because of his ideology of black self rule in Africa?
"Did the South African Institute for Maritime Research (SAIMR) spread HIV in Southern Africa in order to control black population and install white majority? Did they kill UN Secretary General Dag Hammerskjold because they wanted to get rid of his ideology of equality and black self rule for Africa? Or did the Belgians kill him? What about the British or the Americans, that were also looking for minerals in Africa?
For this movie summary I spoke with Andreas Rocksén, the head of the research unit behind the documentary. He says to have evidence that SAIMR was indeed spreading HIV. Most likely SAIMR behind the crash that killed Hammerskjold in 1961."
Listen below.

Text, picture and feature by Dries Hiroux


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