2nd Harvest

As a nation, 7 millions of people can not afford to feed themselves on a daily basis meanwhile tonnes of completely edible foods are thrown away all over the country. The main victims of this tragedy are children. In fact, 34% of children had no food to eat for breakfast according to the SA national Health and Nutrition and Examination Survey.

Peter Williams, Director at 2nd Harvest was in the studio to talk about the tremendous work they are doing for children.

2nd Harvest started out as a simple need to support communities, ECDs, NGOs and existing Soup Kitchens with nutritionally balanced meals providing children between 6 months and 6 years old with a smart nutritional breakfast as well as a nutritionally balanced hot meal for people of all ages.

"As all non-profit organisations, we struggles when it comes to funds so we would like every one to be a part of this noble cause if most of non-governmental organisations use their funds to pay their employees but with us , be sure that your donations will buy food for children" said Peter

For more information contact
Web: www.2nd harvest.org.za

                                                   By: Panphil Tshisumpa


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