We spoke to Ananda Nel director of Ikamva Labantu, which is a non governmental organisation that focuses more on developing work in the town ships. They spoke to us about the Nursing Surgery that was launched on the 8 March 2017 at Enkululekweni Wellness Centre in Khayelitsha.

Ananda states: “The Nursing Surgery is an old container that’s been reformed into what looks like a five star private hospital inside”.  She continues “what it means is that it provides quality health care at an affordable price to anyone that needs access to health care and the community has embrace this initiative”.

The Surgery runs from Monday-Friday and is a walk in sector that provides any service you would seek from your local GP.  The service ranges from as little as R20.00 – R200.00 max.

The Nursing Surgery is located at in H Section in Khayelitsha.

For more information contact:

Tel : 021 461 8338

By: Jasnine Roberts


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