Reading is key- Sakhisizwe Building The Nation


Today we spoke to Dorothy Dyer from The Fundza Literacy Trust about their two free courses for comprehension and understanding poetry.

The Fundza Literacy Trust is a non-profit organisation, dedicated to improving literacy among teens and young adults throughout South Africa.

The Fundza Literacy Trust believes just what its name say’s that literacy is the most important thing for academic, reading is so powerful for personal development in ways of looking at the world and to understand your self as well.

So often people don’t have access to books, hence Fundza makes reading popular and entertaining so you will be able to just use a device ( phone, tablet ect) to read.

The content Fundza provides is about the everyday challenges, excitement you as an individual go through, to make people want to read more.

Fundza has a book reproduction programme as well, the key point that Dorothy spoke about is that you have a whole library on your phone and the aim is to develop the passion for reading. The started target audience is from 13 years of age.   

Go check out the free courses available comprehension and understanding poetry.

To access these stories just go on

For more information or the sign up processes go on:

Facebook: The Fundza Literacy Trust
Twitter: @fundzaclub
Tel: 021 709 0688

By: Jasnine Roberts


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