Health - September is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Dr Bronwen Hendricks – from the Khayelitsha Cervical Cancer Screening
Project joined on the show today. The Project is based at two
different clinics in Khayelitsha, Site B Day Hospital and Michael Mapongwana Day Hospital . We were discussing
cervical cancer and the importance of pap smears since September is Cervical
Cancer Awareness Month. Cervical cancer is said to be the most common
cancer among South African women and accounts for 18.5% of all cancers in women
in this country. About 1,500 women die to cervical cancer every year. Hence it
is important for women to go for a pap smear to know their status and to detect
the cancer early. The health department has developed a policy that every woman
should take a free pap smear once every ten (10) years in her lifetime from age
30 years onwards. The health department aims to screen at least 70% of
women in the target age group to reduce morbidity and mortality by 60%, so to
all the women make sure you go for a pap smear it can save your life. For more
information you can contact the hospital on (021) 361 0853.