28 August - Human Rights - CRL Rights Commission puts a spolight on cultural practices
In today's show, we spoke to Advocate Sipho Mantula - From the Commission for the Promotion and
Protection of the rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic communities or CRL Rights Commission. We were
talking about the national dialogue on various alleged harmful cultural
practices. The Commission hosted the
national dialogue this past Saturday in Johannesburg following the ruling
party’s recent document on policy proposals to outlaw certain cultural
practices such as arranged or forced marriages, polygamy, virginity testing, inheriting a wife and corporal punishment. The
dialogue was addressed by the Honourable Deputy Minister of Economic
Development and other important guests while CRL Rights Commission’s
experts, commissioners and communities shared their experiences, opinions, knowledge and belief systems on various cultural practices. For further information
you can contact (011) 537 7600 or visit www.crlcommission.org.za