Children's right handbook for MPs launched

We closed off with an interview with Dorothy Ramodibe of Parliament’s Portfolio and Select Committee on Women, Youth, Children and People with Disabilities. She was speaking to us about the launch of its Handbook for MPs on promoting Children’s Rights in South Africa. The book entitled Promoting Children’s Rights in South Africa: A Handbook for Members of Parliament was launched this morning by Parliament’s Portfolio and Select Committees on Women, Youth, Children and People with Disabilities, in conjunction with the United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF). The handbook a first of its kind produced by Parliament is to provide Members of Parliament (MPs) with information on children’s issues so that they are able to integrate a child rights perspective into the work of their Committees. It also seeks to encourage MPs to conduct effective oversight and to enable them to ensure accountability regarding service delivery from a child rights perspective and to enhance public participation. For further information you can contact (021) 403 3341.


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