16 March - Gender - Recognition of Muslim Marriages Forum supports the proposed Muslim Marriages Bill
In today’s show, we were joined Instudio by Mohamed Groenewald – from the Recognition of Muslim Marriages Forum. We were talking about the Muslim Marriages Bill. It is reported that the Bill once passed will provide greater certainty to Muslim marriages, thereby affording Muslim women better protection in accordance with Islamic tenets and principles. The justice and constitutional development department has called for comment on the Muslim Marriages Bill and according to recent media reports, the comment period has been extended to the end of May after several Muslim bodies alleged it to be anti-Islamic. Mohamed explained more about whether this bill will make a difference or not. For more information about the forum contact him on 073 826 4959. The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has invited public comments on the Bill by the end of May 2011. Show your support for the Bill by writing to Mr T N Matibe, Private Bag X81, Pretoria, 0001 or Fax it to 086 648 7766 alternatively send an email to TMatibe@justice.gov.za