20 January - Labour - Legends initiative to boost small & emerging enterprises

In today’s show, we were joined on the line by Catherine Wijnberg – Director at Fetola & Associates. They design and implement flagship programmes that support the growth of small and emerging enterprises and community-based projects nationwide. They are inviting applications from small business owners, entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations and community projects interested in achieving a new level of success to be part of the 2011 Legends programme. The Legends initiative provides a proven, interactive support platform for businesses in the craft, tourism and small-scale manufacturing sectors. Places are limited and applicants will be assessed according to their suitability for the programme, with preference given to Black-owned and BEE-compliant organizations and social enterprises with a track record of at least 2 – 3 years in operation. Key criteria for selection include a willingness and commitment to change and grow, an entrepreneurial drive and strong potential for success. There is no charge for participation but beneficiaries are expected to participate and commit fully to the programme. For more information contact Chantal de Kock on info@fetola.co.za or phone (021) 701 7466. You can also visit www.fetola.co.za and click on the Legends page to download an application form. Closing date for applications is the 31st of January 2011.


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