05 August - Gender - Support the 1,000 hearts campaign!!!

Today we heard from Kathleen Day – from the Rape Crisis. We will be talking about the 1,000 hearts campaign. South Africa found that 1 in 4 men admitted to having raped someone. Nearly half of the men admitted to more than one attack, and 1 in 20 men surveyed said they had committed rape in the past year. In the face of these shocking and disheartening statistics it is important to look to the community of men and women who are speaking out against rape, and offering imperative services to survivors of rape. Through the 1,000 hearts campaign they are looking for a thousand people willing to give just R100 a month so that they carry on doing it. For more information go to www.rapecrisis.org.za or contact their offices on (021) 447 1467 or the Manenberg office on (021) 633 5287 alternatively the Khayelitsha office on (021) 361 9228.


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