Zille's all-male cabinet criticised.

We closed off the show with an interview with Yvette Abrahams - Commissioner from the Commission on Gender Equality. After last weeks announcement that 5 out of the 9 Provinces have female premiers, there was a lot of positivity that women were being recognised in South African politics. But Western Cape Premier Helen Zille’s all-male cabinet has caused an up-roar from various factions. According to the tripartite alliance, the male-dominated executive council announced by the Premier was a "disgrace" and a slap in the face of women. Commissioner Abrahams joined us to discuss this issue, unfortunately our efforts to have the Premier on the show failed; DA spokesperson Ross Van de Linde indicated that this topic is not open for discussion. For more information about the commission of gender equality call (021) 426 4080 or go to www.cge.org.za


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