Health - Be sunsmart this summer!!!
Today we spoke to Michelle May – Health Programme Co-ordinator at the Cancer Association of South Africa. We were talking about the sunsmart project that aims to make people aware of skin cancer and the early detection of it. As part of this project they will be running beach clinics in December and January. At a beach clinic there will be a dermatologist and 3 volunteers that are going to the beaches at special dates and the people there can have a skin screening for free. These beach clinics will take place on the weekends in December and January. Yesterday they were in Clifton beach. Next weekend they will be at Muizenberg beach on Saturday and at Camps Bay on Sunday between 11am-2pm, As we spend more time outdoors this summer, remember to check your skin regularly for changes, unusual marks or moles. An annual medical check-up should include a skin check to detect possible skin cancer early. Everyone exposed to the sun is at risk of developing skin cancer whether you have light or dark skin. For more information, contact CANSA toll free number on 0800 22 66 22 or go to