22 October - Gender
Today on the show, we spoke to Rachel Georgia - Communication & Project Officer at the National Community Radio Forum or NCRF. The NCRF in partnership with Constitution Hill will be hosting a dialogue on Women in Media on the 11th of November. Women in Media will be represented by various sectors within media; this is part of teaching and encouraging young females to become involved in the different sectors within media. Rachel explained more about the objectives of the dialogue. For more information to go www.ncrf.org.za or contact (011) 403 4336.
We also heard from Pam Jackson – Director of Ons Plek. Ons Plek is the only intake shelter for girls in Cape Town tomorrow they will be launching a book on the work of Ons Plek with girls in need. According to Pam the book has a unique and easy-to-read approach to the subject of girls living on the street, focuses on the daily realities of providing a full range of structured therapeutic and development opportunities for the children. The launch is at the Rondebosch United Church opposite St Joseph’s College at 17:00PM. The book will cost R140 but if you attend the launch you’ll get an Early Bird Special and pay R80. Pam says this book is for anyone interested in people because it is written in the form of stories. It is not necessary to be a professional to enjoy it. For more information about the book or Ons Plek, you can visit their website www.onsplek.org.za or call them on (021) 465 4829.
We closed off the show with an interview with Jennifer Williams – From the Women’s Legal Centre. The dissolution of a relationship is always difficult, so today as part of our gender talk we decided to talk to Jennifer about fair access to resources, on ensuring women get a fair share of the assets of the partnership irrespective of religion. For more information on the services that the Women’s Legal Centre provide go to www.wlce.co.za or contact (021) 421 1380.
We also heard from Pam Jackson – Director of Ons Plek. Ons Plek is the only intake shelter for girls in Cape Town tomorrow they will be launching a book on the work of Ons Plek with girls in need. According to Pam the book has a unique and easy-to-read approach to the subject of girls living on the street, focuses on the daily realities of providing a full range of structured therapeutic and development opportunities for the children. The launch is at the Rondebosch United Church opposite St Joseph’s College at 17:00PM. The book will cost R140 but if you attend the launch you’ll get an Early Bird Special and pay R80. Pam says this book is for anyone interested in people because it is written in the form of stories. It is not necessary to be a professional to enjoy it. For more information about the book or Ons Plek, you can visit their website www.onsplek.org.za or call them on (021) 465 4829.
We closed off the show with an interview with Jennifer Williams – From the Women’s Legal Centre. The dissolution of a relationship is always difficult, so today as part of our gender talk we decided to talk to Jennifer about fair access to resources, on ensuring women get a fair share of the assets of the partnership irrespective of religion. For more information on the services that the Women’s Legal Centre provide go to www.wlce.co.za or contact (021) 421 1380.