21 October - Human Rights

Today we spoke to Noluvo Rhasmeni – Western Cape Coordinator of the National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS or NAPWA. NAPWA is a national organization that co-ordinates the needs and resources of all people living with HIV/AIDS. One of their objectives is to ensure that the human rights of all infected and affected people are recognized and upheld. But Noluvo explained more about the work they do. If you want more information about the organisation, you can contact their offices on (021) 425 6860 or visit www.napwa.org.za but that website is still under construction.

We heard from Elroy Paulus – Advocacy program manager at Black Sash. Black Sash in partnership with other Human Rights organisations will hand over a petition to parliament today, signed by over 12 000 supporters, appealing that the age limit of children eligible for child support grants be extended to 18 years old. Elroy explained more about that call. For more info contact them on (021) 4617804 alternatively their website on www.blacksash.org.za

And our last interview was with Vivienne Budaza – from Grandmothers Against Poverty and Aids or GAPA. GAPA started as a self help project in Khayelitsha. They host workshops that cover topics such as vegetable gardening, human rights, elder abuse, accessing social grants, drawing up a will and business skills. Grandmothers are also invited to attend support groups held in area representatives homes once a week. uGogo Budaza explained more on the communities they work with. For more information on GAPA you can go to www.gapa.org.za or contact (021) 364 3138.


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