04 September- Labour

Today we spoke to Waseema Herabai - a disability employment specialist. Waseema started a company called Extrinsic last year, which aims to find employment for disabled persons after putting them through learnership and internship programs. Even though the employment rate of people with disabilities has increased, Waseema says that the current figure falls short of the employment equity target. She believes that those people suffering with disabilities deserve to be given sufficient opportunities to develop their skills. We were talking about disabilities in the workplace as well as the laws implemented to protect people living with disabilities. For more information on Extrinsic call (021) 633 4335.

We also heard from Shaun Hattingh - from the International Labour Research and Information Group. This Non-governmental organisation provides education, publications and research for the labour and social movements in South Africa. We were talking about the importance of unions and the rights of employees to join unions. For more information about ILRIG go to http://www.ilrigsa.org.za/ or contact (021) 447 6375.

We featured a short documentary entitled Rural information centres in Ghana.

We ended the show with Eugene - from the Rural Development Support Program. The organisation recognises the high levels of poverty in rural areas. RDSP supports initiatives to bring about positive change in underprivileged communities. They aim to create environments that will support rural leadership. We were talking about what it is that the organisation does and how they aim to achieve this. For more information you can contact their offices on (021) 462 4555 or visit http://www.sacbc.org.za/


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