14 August - Labour

Today we spoke to Etienne Vlok – From SACTWU. Earlier this week SACTWU announced that thousands of metro area clothing workers in the country will be getting extra wages at the end of this week. This is because the union reached an agreement with clothing employers for extra wages when a public holiday falls on a Saturday. In the Western Cape, the agreement states that when a Public Holiday falls on a Saturday, workers will be paid 5-and-a-half hours' extra wages if no work is performed on such a day so because this year, the National Women's Day fell on a Saturday these extra payment provisions accordingly applies. Etienne will explain more about the agreement. For more information contact their offices on (021) 447 4570.

We also heard from Wendy Oliver - Recruitment Consultant from Candidate Connect. Candidate Connect is a Cape Town based recruitment consultancy with a successful track record of linking high calibre candidates to the right company, at the right time, for the right job. We were talking about finding employment. What makes a good CV.? Your CV works for you 24 hours a day. It has ability to both open and close doors for you. It is worth spending time on it to do it properly. And we also focused on that make or break moment, The Interview. The client is looking for an ideal candidate for their organisation. Wendy explained more on how you can be that ideal candidate from the many they see. For more information on Candidate Connect you can contact their offices at (021) 461 9595 or visit www.candidateconnect.co.za

Lastly we spoke to Bridgette Brukman – from Ikamva Labantu. Ikamva Labantu is a self-reliant and sustainable Community Based Organisations facilitating positive social change. Their mission is to build the capacity of other Community Based Organisations and to achieve effective and efficient delivery of four core services, which are health, education, capacity building, food, security and poverty alleviation and land and buildings. Ikamva Labantu also offers workshops that help people improve themselves economically and allow them to become more economically self-sufficient. We were talking about their Agriculture, sewing and crafts workshops. If you want more information about their workshops contact (021) 461 8338 or visit www.ikamva.org
Picture By: Busi Mtabane


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