17 July - Labour
In today’s show, we spoke to Marcelle Coetzee - From Más Employ. This is a project of the Masincedane Community Service based in the Somerset West and Strand area. It operates three programmes: a home-based care service, a training division and an employment placement agency. Mas-Employ aims at self-help through training in employable skills and placing learners in the tourism, cleaning and home care sectors. Marcel explained more about their services. For more information contact their offices on (021) 854 6303 or send an email to Mas-employ@xsinet.co.za
Alfred Gcilitshane – from Eagles Rising Training Centre also spoke to us today. At Eagles they inspire, encourage, teach, equip and mentor students to believe that the future can be different from the past and that they can significantly impact society. They seek to be a bridge between their current circumstances and a new way of living where they are secure in employment or study opportunities. For more information contact their offices on (021) 856 4486 or visit www.eaglesrising.org.za
We also heard from Christo van der Rheede – from the Foundation for Empowerment through Afrikaans or Stigting vir Bemagtiging deur Afrikaans (SBA). We were talking about the organisation and the services that they provide. The core vision of the SBA entails the promotion of Afrikaans speakers’ communication ability, their self esteem and empowering them with life skills. The outcome of their core focus is to lay a solid foundation which will enable their focus group to enter the labour market with confidence and dignity and to join the formal education sector at a later stage to improve their qualifications. For more information contact him on (021) 481 8304 or send an email to crheede@media24.com
PIC:Sasha Forbes
And last but not least we spoke to Dr Susan Steinman - founder and chairperson of the Workplace Dignity Institute. We were talking about work trauma and how to deal with it. According to experts Trauma isn't the same as being stressed, however it is a specific event that triggers an intense emotional response of helplessness, terror or horror. Symptoms includes flashbacks, persistent anxiety, sleep disturbance, distraction, nervousness and a desire to avoid stimuli associated with the event. But effective trauma management in the workplace can reduce staff absence and lead to better health among employees. Dr Steinman explained more. If you want more information go to www.worktrauma.org