23 April - Gender

We spoke to Banyana Banyana Ex-captain Desiree Ellis. As a former captain of Banyana Banyana Desiree is one of the top Women’s Soccer players in South Africa. She is also an activist for women’s rights, particularly around issues of girl’s involvement in sport and recreation activities.

We also played a feature produced by Tina George. She asks the question – why do men cheat. She took to the streets to find out the different views that members of the public have about cheating in general.

We closed off the show with an interview with Lone Neckel – trauma worker from the Convention Intervention Centre. We will be talking about Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is one of the most destructive forces that breaks down the family unit. It is a complex and difficult situation to access and ease. So many women and men remain in abusive situations for years and never get help as they feel they deserve this treatment or can change the abuser with their love. The Convention Intervention Centre is offering free trauma support to the community but are also in need of more volunteers to be trained as trauma workers. For more information contact their offices on (021) 529 9390.


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