13 December – Labour

Today on Sakhisizwe we spoke to Marius Roodt who is a Researcher for the South African Institute of Race Relations. The Institute says it believes that every sector in South Africa that relies on skilled labour is facing a shortage of skills. This has brought on much debate on whether or not affirmative action is adding to the issue of skills shortage in the country. If you would like to know more or read the report on the skills shortage that Marius wrote call SAIRR on 011 403 3600 or visit the website on www.sairr.org.za

We also spoke to Janine Myburgh – Chairperson of the Western Cape Chambers of Commerce and Industry in South Africa. Representatives of the labour and business sector held a meeting over the weekend to discuss the issues that are faced by the labour and business sector. Some of the issues that were raised include Values and Ethics, Service Delivery and Skills development. Visit the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in South Africa website on www.chamsa.org.za
Pic: www.gsb.uct.ac.za

Our last interview was with Xen De Jongh and Christelle Daniels - teachers at the Mitchell’s Plain School of Skills came to tell listeners about the school. They were also joined by two students, John Williams and Lucian Straus. Mitchell’s Plain School of Skills has recently seen some of its food studies learners amaze top chefs and food critics when they cooked up a three-course cuisine with just two two-plate stoves. We were talking about the issue of skills development and the role played by the school in addressing it. If you would like more information contact Xen on 072 146 2299 or Christelle on 073 347 5240/021 392 1213.
Pic: Lucian at work in the Bush Radio kitchen


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