04 December 2007 – Human Rights

Today on Sakhisizwe we had an interview with Sandra Ambrose - National Co-ordinator of the Disabled Children’s Action Group. She spoke to us about the rights of persons living with disabilities. The Human Rights of all is essential but we still come across people who think that because they have rights this entitles them to discriminate against those that are disabled. Yesterday was the International Day for Persons with Disabilities and the theme for this year is "Decent Work for Persons with Disabilities". Sandra explained more about the role one can play in ensuring equal rights for all South Africans. For more information you can contact their offices on (021) 797 5977.
Pic: www.disabledtravel.co.za

Gahsiena van der Schaff from the AIDS Legal Network spoke to us about the Human Rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. According to reports a 1997 National HIV/AIDS review found that there was “widespread and systematic abuse of the basic human rights of people with HIV/AIDS in all 9 Provinces”. It proposed that there should be “an intensive effort to protect human rights, oppose discrimination and reduce stigmatisation. The AIDS Legal Network is a non-governmental human rights organisation that is committed to the support, security and realisation of the rights and freedom of people who are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Gahsiena told Bush Radio listeners whether any change has occurred since 1997. For more information or if you want to make a complaint you can contact their offices on (021) 447-8435 alternatively visit their website www.aln.org.za

Then we also spoke to Deline Van Boom – Director of the Volunteer Centre. Tomorrow (5 December 2007) is International Volunteer Day and Deline told us more about their work and also how each one of us can give back to our communities and help make it a better place. IVD offers an opportunity for volunteer organizations and individual volunteers to make visible their contributions - at local, national and international levels - to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. For more information you can contact their offices at (021) 674 5338 or visit www.volcent.co.za


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