25 September – Human Rights
Today we spoke to Leslie Van Minnen – Chairperson of the Rail Commuter Action Group. The Action Group represents 51 commuters injured in railway accidents in a class action lawsuit against Metrorail, Transport Minister Jeff Radebe and other authorities. More than 50 people have been injured, disfigured and killed while traveling on Metrorail in the last seven years in the Western Cape. But who should take responsibility – As commuter it is our right to be safe while travelling in trains, is it not. Leslie’s son was stabbed and killed while travelling in a train and that is when he decided to challenge the safety and security provided by Metrorail. Leslie told us how far they have come with their battle. If you support their cause and you want to know how to be apart of the Action Group then you can contact Mr Van Minnen on this number (021) 785 2508.
We also spoke to Norma Troutman –Director from the Pregnancy Health Centre. We were talking about the legalization of Abortion. Is this a good thing or it is a violation of human rights? According to the Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act no 92 of 1996, any women irrespective of age can get a legal abortion for an unwanted pregnancy. You are also entitled to a Pre- and post- TOP counselling. This law has been somewhat criticized by other people but Norma shared the advantages and of course the disadvantages of legalizing abortion. If you want more information about the pregnancy Health Centre you can contact their offices at (021) 797 5000.
24 September - Health (Heritage Day)
Today we spoke to Dr Karen Figgen from the Groote Schuur Hospital. We were talking about Albinism as September is marked as Albinism Month to raise awareness and challenge some myths about this condition. For more information you can contact the University of Cape Town’s Human Genetics Department on (021) 406 6304 or the Albinism Society of South Africa on (011) 838 6529.
We also spoke to Dr Cass Hansa – a cardiologist. We were talking about Cardiac Rhythm Disorders. It is reported that Cardiac Rhythm Disorders are misunderstood therefore under diagnosed. Dr Hansa explained more about the disorder and the way people can treat it. For more information you can visit your nearest hospital or if you have access to the internet then go to www.paceafrica.org.za alternatively contact Dr Hansa on (021) 699 1720 at Gatesville Medical Centre.
We also spoke to Norma Troutman –Director from the Pregnancy Health Centre. We were talking about the legalization of Abortion. Is this a good thing or it is a violation of human rights? According to the Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act no 92 of 1996, any women irrespective of age can get a legal abortion for an unwanted pregnancy. You are also entitled to a Pre- and post- TOP counselling. This law has been somewhat criticized by other people but Norma shared the advantages and of course the disadvantages of legalizing abortion. If you want more information about the pregnancy Health Centre you can contact their offices at (021) 797 5000.
24 September - Health (Heritage Day)
Today we spoke to Dr Karen Figgen from the Groote Schuur Hospital. We were talking about Albinism as September is marked as Albinism Month to raise awareness and challenge some myths about this condition. For more information you can contact the University of Cape Town’s Human Genetics Department on (021) 406 6304 or the Albinism Society of South Africa on (011) 838 6529.
We also spoke to Dr Cass Hansa – a cardiologist. We were talking about Cardiac Rhythm Disorders. It is reported that Cardiac Rhythm Disorders are misunderstood therefore under diagnosed. Dr Hansa explained more about the disorder and the way people can treat it. For more information you can visit your nearest hospital or if you have access to the internet then go to www.paceafrica.org.za alternatively contact Dr Hansa on (021) 699 1720 at Gatesville Medical Centre.