15 May – Human Rights
Today we spoke to Anne Bruce – From the Cape Town Child Welfare. We were talking about Adoption. Anne told us more about the adoption proceedings, who can adopt and about inter-country adoptions, unfortunately at the Cape Town Childe Welfare they don’t deal with inter-country adoptions. If you want more information about adoption maybe you want to adopt you can contact their offices at (021) 638 3127 / 790 2300 or visit www.helpkids.org.za for more information about the Cape Town Child Welfare.
And we also spoke to Julie Cleverdon – Director of the MTN Science Centre. In celebrating the National Science Week, the MTN Science Centre will be having an open day and they have exciting activities. For enquiries and bookings you can contact their offices at (021) 529-8100 or visit their website at www.mtnsciencentre.org.za
And we also spoke to Julie Cleverdon – Director of the MTN Science Centre. In celebrating the National Science Week, the MTN Science Centre will be having an open day and they have exciting activities. For enquiries and bookings you can contact their offices at (021) 529-8100 or visit their website at www.mtnsciencentre.org.za