09 May – Gender

Today we spoke to Sarah Classen – President of Sikhula Sonke (Growing Together), the country's only trade union for women farm workers. They also work with Women on Farms Project. The Project builds organization amongst women in agriculture by building their capacity as agents of change and as leaders. They promote self-reliance, accountability and sustainability of organizations so that women organize themselves, speak for themselves and mobilize resources to support their programs. For more information you can contact their offices at (021) 8872960 or visit www.wfp.org.za

And we also spoke to Russell Southey – a board member of the Cape Town's Pride Festival appointed from the Gay and Lesbian community. Russell is also a father of two teenage daughters. We were talking to him about his role as a gay father, the challenges he face and the joys of being a father. Russell is also a helpline counselor for Triangle Project’s Helpline. For more information about the Cape Town Pride you can contact their offices at (021) 425 64 61 or email info@capetownpride.co.za. The triangle Project Helpline is (021) 422 2500.
PIC: www.capetownpride.co.za

Our last interview was with Vista Kalipa - Triangle Project media coordinator. We were talking about the Civil Union Act. The act was passed last year and it allows gay and lesbian couples to get married but some gay and lesbian organisations are still not convinced. The Triangle Project will host a discussion regarding the Act on Saturday the 26th of May at the Victoria Junction Hotel in Green Point. If you want more information about that discussion you can contact Tracy Smith at (021) 448 3812
PIC: www.offenburger.com


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