08 March – Labour


Today we spoke to Willy Mathys – Project Director of We Shall Overcome Prejudice better known as WE-SHOP. Their mission is to work towards the elimination of economic and social prejudices against physically challenged people by building skills and employment opportunities. If you want more information about the project you can contact their offices at (021) 903 4211 or visit their website at www.we-shop.co.za

And we also spoke to Raymond Sizani – Business Development Officer from the NICRO’s Economic Opportunities Project. The Project assists those who want to start or improve their own small businesses by providing the necessary skills training and support services to ensure that their business ventures are sustainable. This non-financial support programme creates awareness of viable business opportunities that exist in the informal sector, and includes entrepreneurial skills training workshops, the establishment of business support groups and access to learning exchanges. If you want more information about the project you can call (021) 397-6063 / 397-4645 or visit www.nicro.org.za

And our last interview is with Jannes Louw – Project Coordinator of Jireh Centre. The Jireh Centre is a non governmental organisation that provides services and programming for families and individuals. The Centre is making a difference through four specific program areas, Outreach, Support Services, Skills Training as well as Childcare facilities. For more information about the project you can contact their office at (021) 371 2178 or email them at info@jirehsa.org.za or visit their website at www.jirehsa.org.za


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