12 December – Human Rights

Today we spoke to Yumna Van der Skyf – from Ons Plek. Ons Plek is the only intake shelter for girls in Cape Town. The girls’ basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, education and love are provided. The children who go to Ons plek are not looking for an identity as former street children but want to be seen as ordinary children. If you want more information about Ons plek you can contact their offices at 465 4829.

We also spoke to Patrick Kulati – Managing Director of the Paraffin Safety Association. The Paraffin Safety Association has recently developed a number of safety education resources directed at the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of harmful paraffin related domestic incidents. For more information you can contact the Paraffin Safety Association at (021) 424 3473.

Our last interview was with Naseegh Jaffer – Director of the Masifundise Development Trust. Masifundise Promotes the right of fishing communities to gain access to marine resources for food security and livelihood purposes and they are also engaged in lobbying and advocacy programmes that seek to influence policy and legislation to protect and advance the human rights of men and women living in traditional and small scale fishing communities through an Integrated Coastal Management Approach. Today they are involved in a protest on Paternoster Beach. The protest is to defy the exclusion of Traditional fishers from the newly introduced fishing policy. For more information about the Masifundise Development Trust you can contact them at (021) 447 5164.


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