Horizon Child Youth Centre Interview: Advocating for Awaiting-Trial Youth

There are many youth that are awaiting trial and are placed in less than appropriate and safe environments. They are often forgotten about and not given the proper services that they need.  This is a demographic that is not always focused. According to IOL, between 2019 and 2020 there were 2,058 sentences juveniles and 3,724 remand juveniles. Horizon Child Youth Centre strives to help this community. 

Horizon Child Youth Centre is one of 7 secure care centres for trial-awaiting children and for youth in conflict with the law and those that pose behavioral challenges. They are meant to provide an appropriate space for these youth. Recently using a R138 million refurbishment project they’ve been able to provide refurbished living units, additional classrooms, a visitation hall, a multi-purpose hall, storage rooms and much more. They are trying to help residents of secure care centres go from vulnerability to resilience. These centres are owned by the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD). We spoke to Mornay Johnson, the manager of the Horizon Child and Youth Care Centre.

We made sure to ask Mornay what specific services do they provide, what the main approach to their care, education, and rehabilitation services are, the nuances of this vulnerable youth, and how do you ensure the wellbeing of these children. 

There were several points that he emphasized. He mentioned that these youth need these centres, that for the ones that are in school they make an effort to link up with those schools to coordinate. They offer group counselling services and group management. Aside from that, Mornay discussed the relevance of teaching entrepenurial development skills and introduces hobbies so that they know there's more out there. Mornay mentioned that the people at the centre care about this youth and that society as a whole needs to take part in caring for them. 

Find out more about Horizon Child Youth centre including contact information on the website https://www.westerncape.gov.za/facility/horizon-child-youth-care-centre. 


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