Candida is found in the vaginal tracts of most women

Dr. Natalia Novikova Gynaecologist & Endoscopic spoke to us about Sexually Transmitted Infections, Genital Warts, Menstrual Disorders and Contraception. She chose to become a Gynaecologist in a field of medicine because she always wanted to help women. She is passionate about health more importantly women's health and she can help women. 

STDs is the same thing as STI it is sexually transmitted disease or sexually transmitted infection. There are numbers of STD'S that are recognized and it starts with HIV, AIDS, hepatitis, chlamydia. STDs are transmitted through sex it could be skin to skin contact such as HPV, this virus causes wards so one does not have to have penetrative sex to acquire this virus and condoms does not protect against some HPV. Other
condoms can protect one against other mentioned STIs and STDs. If you wear a condom because one needs to be in contact with virginal fluid or semen to not receive the infection.  You will have symptoms that you have a STD or STI like itching, irregular discharge, unusual smelling, possibly pain. So you could have been exposed to these symptoms after having unprotected sex, and one has to have a check up through blood being drawn to see if one has the STIs or STDs. The risk involved is that one woman in 25 will not know they have these diseases and it should be treated to make sure it does not get worse. Most woman that are pregnant practice unprotected sex so they are at higher risk to get STDs or STIs. In terms of HIV you have to have a test very year as soon as you tested positive you will be looked off and will be treated. 

Candida is found in the vaginal tracts of most women. An overgrowth of it can lead to candidias of the vagina, also known as a yeast infection. Symptoms of vaginal candidias include redness, swelling, itching, painful intercourse and a thick, white discharge from the vagina. Itchiness can be related to very simple things such as yeast infection and yeast is very common. If you are stressed eat pasta, bread or anything that will raise your sugar levels. An inflammation in the vagina leaves a cottage cheese discharge sometimes green discharge or an itch and a lot of discomfort. You have to look after yourself, be fit and healthy and not to have a recurrent condition. An irregular period could be related to stress, pills, medicine, travelling. It could be hormonal disorders that lead to irregular bleeding, and could have an condition where a lining in the uterus can grow which cause a lot of pain when you have your periods. And leads to an examination and ultrasound to decide which treatment to take. Menstrual disorders can be caused by a lot of things, but can be managed such as sorting out lifestyle changes and stress levels or a contraceptive that can help as well. In terms of vaginal discharge it is normal, we all have discharge and if it is yellow and has a smell, go to the doctor or clinic to get treatment because you have an infection. 

By: Ellouise Muller


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