Ocean Breeze Youth Empowerment
Our youths are living with many harms on a daily basis: teens pregnancy, HIV, high rate of suicide, unemployment, gangsterism.. and one of the biggest curse is substance abuse. In fact, 80% of SA's male youth deaths are alcohol related and drug consumption according to SANCA Drug Awareness. It is estimated to be twice the world norm and The SA National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey adds that 15% of pupils admitted to using over-the-counter drugs to get high: 11.5% of pupils had tried at least one drug such as heroin, mandrax, tik, dagga...
The abuse of all forms of drugs is a huge problem that needs urgent attention. Hence, organisations such as Ocean Breeze Youth Empowerment want to assist with anti-substance abuse.
Mujahied Ebrahim and Pushana Gordon, both from Ocean Breeze Youth Empowerment came to us to talk about this epidemic our communities are faced with.
Not only does young people use drugs a lot, but many of them overdosed as well, it is imperative to help them, to raise awareness among them about the mortal dangers of drug consumption by creating platforms where the youth can be educated, places where they can be counselled in order to know what are the real reasons why young people turn to drugs.
On Saturday, 30th March 2019, Ocean Breeze had one of many hikes, they want us to be apart of it. IT is free and you don't need a special outfit for it, as you can hike bare foot.
For more information contact:
Facebook: ocean breeze youth empowerment
Instagram: obyouthempowermnet
Tel: 074 218 8424
By: Panphil Tshisumpa
The abuse of all forms of drugs is a huge problem that needs urgent attention. Hence, organisations such as Ocean Breeze Youth Empowerment want to assist with anti-substance abuse.
Mujahied Ebrahim and Pushana Gordon, both from Ocean Breeze Youth Empowerment came to us to talk about this epidemic our communities are faced with.
Not only does young people use drugs a lot, but many of them overdosed as well, it is imperative to help them, to raise awareness among them about the mortal dangers of drug consumption by creating platforms where the youth can be educated, places where they can be counselled in order to know what are the real reasons why young people turn to drugs.
On Saturday, 30th March 2019, Ocean Breeze had one of many hikes, they want us to be apart of it. IT is free and you don't need a special outfit for it, as you can hike bare foot.
For more information contact:
Facebook: ocean breeze youth empowerment
Instagram: obyouthempowermnet
Tel: 074 218 8424
By: Panphil Tshisumpa