PACT: Combating Transphobia
Professional Alliance Combating Transphobia (PACT) is a dynamic and vibrant Organisation of professionals who have an interest in advocating for the rights and freedom of their transgender clients or patients.
We spoke to Anastacia Tomson who is a medical doctor, author and activist to talk about the concept of transphobia.
In a community where LGBT and ICUE people are being marginalized, a community who expect everyone to be straight, male or female only: gender equality activists must double their effort to educate people through seminars and debates. At schools or in ours tertiary institutions, they don't teach anything about the acceptance of transgender.
What is transphobia?
Transphobia is defined as all acts that marginalizes, discriminates, degrades a transgender individual. From homophobia, physical violence, moral humiliation, refusal to give health care to all prejudices against a person only because they are different.
One on the way to find a resolution for the transphobia is to go at the source by creating a neutral birth certificate where the individual's sex will not be indicated as in many countries already, which allows the individual to choose the sex they wish to identify with.
For more information contact:
By: Panphil Tshisumpa
We spoke to Anastacia Tomson who is a medical doctor, author and activist to talk about the concept of transphobia.
In a community where LGBT and ICUE people are being marginalized, a community who expect everyone to be straight, male or female only: gender equality activists must double their effort to educate people through seminars and debates. At schools or in ours tertiary institutions, they don't teach anything about the acceptance of transgender.
What is transphobia?
Transphobia is defined as all acts that marginalizes, discriminates, degrades a transgender individual. From homophobia, physical violence, moral humiliation, refusal to give health care to all prejudices against a person only because they are different.
One on the way to find a resolution for the transphobia is to go at the source by creating a neutral birth certificate where the individual's sex will not be indicated as in many countries already, which allows the individual to choose the sex they wish to identify with.
For more information contact:
By: Panphil Tshisumpa