Health - MSF Khayelitsha launches BM Wellness Hub
In today's show, we spoke to Dr John Ashmore - Deputy Project Coordinator for MSF Khayelitsha to tell
us more about the BM Wellness Hub in Khayelitsha. This past Friday saw the
official launch of the BM Wellness Hub in Khayelitsha which is an innovative
cost-saving healthcare model that could contribute towards realising South Africa ’s NHI by Doctors Without Borders
in partnership with the Treatment Action Campaign. MSF hopes to hand over the
Hub a first of two Wellness Hubs to the Western Cape Department of Health after
one year which brings a range of user-friendly health services closer to
patients’ homes. These include HIV and TB testing, family planning and
pregnancy testing, contraception, and screening for STI ’s, diabetes and
hypertension. It will also be central distribution points for the Community ART Adherence Clubs, which are
home-based clubs where stable HIV patients can get their ARVs instead of always
having to visit a clinic while the location and extended opening hours from
07:00AM to19:00PM makes health screening and wellness services more accessible
to the community.