Labour - SAMWU to intensify all campaigns in 2013
In today's show, we spoke to Tahir Sema - From the South African Municipal
Workers Union or SAMWU. We were talking about their plans to intensify all
campaigns in 2013. The South African Municipal Workers Union has vowed to
intensify all campaigns in 2013 for the economic freedom of the working class.
The transformation of the economy will be central to all their efforts, as they
move to create decent work and try to eradicate poverty. Samwu believes the
South African working class and those abroad are facing an onslaught by
Capitalism and the ruling elite and therefore will use the December holidays to
energise themselves in readiness for next year, where mammoth battles will be
both won and lost. For further information you can contact SAMWU on (021) 696
2522 or