Flexivest Fourteen Research Centre is looking for volunteers
Caron Potocnik - A clinical psychologist at Flexivest
Fourteen Research Centre spoke to us about her clinical trial. Flexivest Fourteen Research Centre is looking for individuals who are suffering from Major
Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Depression to participate in their clinical study
for at least 24 weeks that could help sufferers with their depression. Those
eligible for participation must be able to read, write, speak English
confidently or fluently, aged between 18 and 65 years old, male or
female and not hospitalised. In addition they must have the first two of the following symptoms
such as feeling sad most of the day and every day for the last 2 weeks, loss of
interest or pleasure, and at least 4 or more of the rest namely, Appetite
changes, Sleep disturbances, Psychomotor agitation or retardation, Decreased
energy, Feeling of worthlessness or guilt, Decreased ability to think or
concentrate or indecisiveness and Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. For
further information you can contact the research team on (021) 946 3347.