rent2buy and My Budget Fitness to host free Homeowner property education session
We closed off with an interview with Meyer
de Waal - Founder of rent2buy and My Budget Fitness. He was speaking to us about the
Homeowner property education that they will be hosting in Mitchell's Plain. Rent2buy and My Budget
Fitness was established by De Waal to address the challenges that potential
home owners had to overcome in order to acquire their homes, together with
establishing a track record and maintaining such. My Budget Fitness aims to assist, educate and
mentor customers about lending rules that banks
apply, how to establish, maintain and build your credit rating, the most
effective plan to structure your credit, ways to avoid common borrowing
mistakes, how to protect yourself against the risk of late payments and
defaulting, how you should proceed if your borrowings have become legal debt,
types of help/assistance you can access to eliminate legal debt, what you can
do to have negative listings and judgments removed and the best ways to start
building, or rebuilding your budget into a healthy financial budget and credit
plan. They will be hosting free one hour discussions for aspiring home buyers on Saturday
August 4th, 2012 at
the Liberty Promenade Mall from 10AM till 4PM . For further information you can contact Juanita on (021) 461 006 alternatively visit or