City wants to evict ABFA
We closed off with an interview with Pieter
Wesselink – Director at the African Brothers Football Academy . The Academy leased the
fields of Gardens Commercial, for five years and in terms of the lease the
Academy undertook to improve the facility but
on the
16th of March 2012
they received a notice from the City of Cape Town
requiring that they cease all activity at the Academy. According to ABFA, the City argues that they
are in contravention of the Zoning Regulations applicable to the property in
that they are using the facility for business purposes or as a place of
instruction or as a place of assembly. The city believes that the current
consent use for the property covers only pupils from the Gardens Commercial
High School. The Academy feels that compliance with their notice will deprive
all the other schools which use the facilities. We were also joined on the line by Michael Wilter – from the
Western Cape Department of education to give the department' side of the story as they
were involved when this project was initiated. To prevent the City
of Cape Town from closing down ABFA you can sign a petition at
or send an email to