Thursday May 31st marks World No Tobacco Day
We were also joined by Adeliah Jacobs - Regional manager of the CANSA Cape Metro Care Centre. We were talking about the dangers of smoking and commemorating the World No Tobacco Day. Thursday May 31st marks World No Tobacco Day as its use is one of the leading preventable causes of death and since the global tobacco epidemic kills nearly 6 million people each year, of which more than 600,000 are people exposed to second-hand smoke according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). It’s warned that unless we act, it will kill up to 8 million people by 2030, of which more than 80% will live in low- and middle-income countries. Cansa reported that “over 44 000 South Africans die from tobacco-related diseases annually and many more become ill from using tobacco products such as snus, snuff, water pipes (hubbly bubbly) and inhaling second-hand smoke.” Sign up and join Cansa’s eKick Butt programme which is a unique online smoking cessation programme working through a series of emails, surveys and downloads, that will guide smokers and mentor them as they quit smoking and non-smoking becomes a lifelong habit, not merely the time interval between two cigarettes. The programme supplies a series of handy tools to help smokers quit for good. For further information you can contact Cansa on (021) 689 5347 or visit the website