23 August - Human Rights - PASSOP to fundraise for the Horn of Africa
In today's show we spoke to Yolanda Bana - From PASSOP. The organisation will be hosting a fundraising event to raise money for the victims of famine in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea). It is reported that in the last 90 days more than 29,000 children under five years of age have died of starvation, killing 323 children every day. It is the biggest humanitarian disaster in the region in the last two decades. PASSOP is working closely with the non-profit Gift of the Givers Foundation, which is currently on the ground in Somalia with medical teams providing support for Somali people. The event: Western Cape Fights Famine – Horn of Africa Relief will feature music and dance performances, a short documentary screening, live video skype to doctors on the ground in Somalia, and some speeches by political and community leaders. The event is on Saturday, the 27th of August, between 2 to 5pm at St. Joseph’s Marist College in Belmont Road, Rondebosch. Tickets costs R100 and R80 for students. If you cannot attend and still want to assist, donations can be made to PASSOP's bank account. For more information contact (021) 762 0322 or send an email to office@passop.co.za