23 October – Human Rights

Today we spoke to Sello Hatang – from the Human Rights Commission. We were talking about the Access to Information Act. Our constitution gives every person the right of access to information, held by a public or private body that is required for the exercise or protection of any right. Sello explained on how to make a request for access to information, what assistance is available from the information officer of a public body, when access to information may legally be refused, and what legal remedies there are in cases where information is illegally withheld. If you want more information contact the commission on (021) 426 2277 or visit www.sahrc.org.za

We also spoke to Lucas Muntingh - Project coordinator for the Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative or CSPRI. The initiative aims to improve the human rights situations South African Prisoners face through conducting research-based lobbying and advocacy. If you want more information you can contact their offices at (021) 959 2950 or visit the community law center website at www.communitylawcentre.org.za
pic of a prisoner fromwww.communitylawcentre.org.za

And our last interview was with Mzwanele Zulu – spokesperson for the Joe Slovo Task Team. Joe Slovo residents are refusing to move to Delft in order to make way for the Gateway project. They have been protesting against the decision to have them removed from the land that has been earmarked for the next phase of the N2 Gateway housing project. According to media reports the Joe Slovo residents are to give the high court reasons why the department of housing should not be given a final eviction order and the matter is to be heard in December. According to Mzwanele, they will be appearing in court tomorrow in connection with the N2 Highway protest that took place two months ago. If you want more information contact him on 076 385 2369.
PICS: (left above) Joe Slovo residents during the protest (right above) Mzwanele Zulu


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