15 October – Health

Today we spoke to Katie Pereira – a community dietician from the department of health. We were talking about nutrition. Last week we were celebrating Nutrition week and it is celebrated each year from the 9th – 13th of October. This year’s theme was “The Right to Food”. Katie told us more about the nutrients that play an important role in the health and well-being of the people especially pregnant mothers and the unborn babies. Remember the Constitution of SA provides the foundation of Government’s commitment to Nutrition. The Bill of Rights guarantees that everyone has the right to access to sufficient food and every child has the right to basic nutrition. For more information on nutrition you can contact your nearest health care centre. That interview was brought to you by the National department of health and funded by the European Union.

We also spoke to Dr Christina Lugner – We were talking about Anxiety Disorders. Many people with anxiety disorders are not aware that they can be helped with treatment. Therapy for anxiety disorders often involves medication or specific forms of psychotherapy. Medications, although not cures, can be very effective at relieving anxiety symptoms. In these days, there are more medications available than ever before to treat anxiety disorders. So if one drug is not successful, there are usually others to try. Dr Lugner explained more on the causes and of course the available treatment. For more information you can contact the South African Depression and Anxiety Group at (011) 783-1474. For a suicidal Emergency contact us on 0800 567 567 alternatively visit their website at www.sadag.co.za or the Mental Health Centre at (021) 938 9229.

Our last interview was with Cari Corbet-Owen – a Clinical Psychologist and founder of the Mind over fatter program. We were talking about Obesity because this week is Obesity Week. It is said that obesity is the major cause of our high prevalence heart diseases and diabetic rates and as well as numerous other illnesses. More people are becoming obese without realizing the danger that might cause to their health. Cari is an anti-diet advocate and her passion is helping others escape from Diet City so they can live in tune with their body without pills, powders or potions. She explained more about her Mind over fatter program. You can email Cari with your questions at info@mindoverfatter.co.za or visit www.mindoverfatter.co.za for more information.


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