Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Inyanda Youth Network to host Youth Empowerment Conference

Lucienne & Noluthando
In today's show, we were joined by Lucienne Kelfkens - Project Director of Cesvi and Noluthando Hermanus - Inyanda Youth Network. They were here to talk about the Youth Empowerment Conference they are hosting next week. The Inyanda Youth Network (IYN) in partnership with Cesvi Foundation and Cordaid are hosting a Youth Empowerment Conference next week Thursday August 22nd, 2013 from 9:00AM till 4:30PM at Look Out Hill Tourism and Conference Centre in Khayelitsha. The Conference aims to showcase the sport and creative arts talent that the youth implementation programmes have yielded, to explore job opportunities at a vocational level in the sports and creative arts industries on the basis of recently conducted job market research and lastly to strengthen the INYN and its liaison with its partners. For more information you can contact Inyanda Youth Network on (021) 374 0800 or visit www.cesvi.org

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