The Lung Institute- Lung Disease

We spoke to Associate Professor Richard Van Zyl-Smit from the Lung Institute who spoke to us about lung diseases. The Institute started off with the focus being on Asthma and COPD 15-16 years ago. They then expanded into the focus being on Tuberculoses and other chronic diseases whereby they look for guidelines and developments, off treatments for people with other diseases of the lungs.

The Lung Institute researches to seek ways to make peoples lungs better or provide them with the best treatment available. As in the South African context the biggest diseases that effect the lung is TB although you can get it outside the lung as well, secondly will be Asthma as it effects children and adults and lastly Emphysema being related to smoking is the most common and important, although  they are more rare but can cause disability for them.

If a cough last more then two weeks it will be a concern for the institute.
A few lifestyle tips would be: eating healthy and quit smoking.

For more information:

Website: (The National Asthma Education Programme)


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