Wednesday - Gender issues - Mothers Unite

Today i spoke to Gerry Gordon from Mothers Unite  Mothers unite is a registered non-profit organization that focuses on the well-being of children. They operate in Seawinds, Lavender Hill, an area predominantly characterized by unemployment, poverty, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS, substance addiction and gang-related crime.

Mothers Unite is different from other organisations. It started within the heart of a mother living in the community of Lavender Hill. Its goal is to meet the needs of the child in a holistic manner.

We understand that mothers play a huge part in the lives of our children. So many mothers raise their children single handily amidst the challenges of crime. Mothers Unite wants to help children achieve their potential and make a difference in the lives of our child community members.

The children we work with are disadvantaged, vulnerable and have a very poor self esteem. Even though many of the children are restrained by poverty, crime, gangsterism and drugs, they are extremely talented. If we as parents, an organisation and the larger community can provide a medium whereby children can explore, express and showcase their talent, we may be able to help them build up them self  and help them to believe in and work towards their own dreams and goals. We may indeed discover that they have much more to offer than what is visible to the eye at present.
Mothers Unite understands that we must be the voice and ambassadors of the child.

Mothers Unite is the heart of a mother displayed in an organisation.If you would like to donate anything or volunteer even if its for a day please call Gerry on 082 825 0511.


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